

Money Quiz-Counter

Money Quiz-Counter is a program with two money quiz challenges and a money counter. The Give Cash is the first quiz game. Count Cash is the second quiz game. The money counter is where you can count cash.

Give Cash quiz game: Select a player name and a quiz number from 1 to 10. When you start the game you will be shown an "item cost" and "pay amount" in dollar and cents. You select coins and dollar amount to show how much change is given back. You have two chances to get the correct answer.

Count Cash game: Select a player name and a quiz number from 1 to 10. When you start the game you will be shown coins and dollar amounts. Each coin and dollar will show zero or a nmber of coins or dollars for that coin or dollar. Figure out the total amount and enter the answer. You have two chances to get the correct answer.

Try not to use a calculator , use only paper and pencil to figure out the hard ones. Helps you improve your math skills.

Number of players 1 to 10 or more. See who has the best time for each quiz.

For each game you can save scores, print to a printer or export as text scores for each game's quiz in Setup. And here is where player names are entered.

Cash Counter: Count cash that you have on hand. Enter the amounts in the boxes and select done. The total is displayed. You can save each cash counting if desired for future references. Print to a printer or Export as text your cash counting.

Navigating menus is fast, and very simple to use! You never have to learn or memorize a set of icon pictures, or learn new short cuts. All of that is simplified and easy.

Find out how this software can help you, and try out this software for 14 days for only $14.99 now. Click on the "Try Before You Buy" button.

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